Thursday, April 21, 2016


This week I am discussing how medicine technology and art all connect with each other. Med-Tech is

is just a shorter hand of medical technology. Medical technology is used in hospitals mainly. For example X –rays, are used to look through the skin, ligaments, and muscles. Reason why I considered this medical technology is because I only see X ray machines in the hospital. Medical technology is used for treatment for the body.

As you look at the image above it is a example of Art and Med-Tech. 

"' BODY WORLDS explores the remarkable human body with displays of real human bodies, all donated to science by body donors wishing to educate the community. " I find that this is amazing that they things they use are real human bodies and real organs. But that has me to wonder how they keep organs so fresh and clean. 

Another example of med-tech is science. The way they used medical technology is buy using a microscope. Microscopes are mainly used to look at small items that you can’t see. A way they use microscopes is in laboratories when they are checking new sickness or viruses.

The film X men is a example of med-tech and art. reason for it is because of the mutations that were helped to change a person.\
I found this article interesting to read because i have been through surgery twice and i know how it feels and been through the procedures. I do like how the article just informs us on everything.

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