Friday, April 1, 2016


The difference between art and science is one has to do with your physical connections and other is being mentally focused. Art is used for your physical connections how you express yourself, what you are feeling and how you see yourself versus others. Science is all mental, a lot of thinking when it comes down to science. Art and Science are not that different from each other, in art there isn’t a thing as a wrong painting but a picture could say a thousand words that can be misled. In science chemicals can be missed used and mixed wrong and can cause an accident.

When looking up art online this picture caught my attention because it displays the difference between the two. Art is used mainly with color that paints stories and pictures. The tools that are mainly used in art classes are paint brushes and canvas.
This picture shows how the two differ from each other as you can see both contains a variety of different colors but the makes them different is science is liquid chemicals that are mixed together to create chemicals.

         This article discusses how science affects the culture that we live in. It discusses that science is used in the medical fields. They also use science as a valid evidence for theories and beliefs. The article also discusses how the culture affects science too.
         In this article it discusses the role in our society. It states that art is a symbol of our expressions and impressions. It discusses how impressionist used art and how they felt about different arts. This article goes more into depth on what an impressionist is and what they paint and why they paint. For example Impressionist would paint Landscapes, and outside paintings to display freedom and differences.

      This article discusses how we should redefine arts and sciences in the future. Mae Jemison, an astronaut, teacher, doctor, and paint collector discusses her views on arts and science and why we should reconnect the two.  She goes into depth about her background and her love for art and science.  She discusses how Arts and science are having problems being taught in schools.

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