Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Getty Museum

After I visited the Getty museum I had a lot fun and notices a lot of things I couldn't learn when i was younger. Now that I am able to concentrate and connect with the paints and pictures. I do remember visiting this place as a child only because I use to enjoy riding the tram up the hill it was kind of as fun as a roller coaster, my friends and I would see who has the best balance.
Hi :-D
Bear Dog
I felt i connected with this photo because of the people in the picture as you can see it is a lady holding her child both waving. this could symbolize the mother teaching her child a simple wave teaching him manners and character. I feel a connection because my mother would always tell me to be on my best behavior. 

Another piece of art i found was interesting was the usage of how they connected two animals. The Bear and Dog sculpture use the nature and science to come up with the creation. The artist uses the animal strengths to create a Team that is unstoppable. For example, the bear is the hunter out of the two because of it's killer instinct. The dog is used for it's ability of being alert and ready all the time.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Space is a place I wish I could visit once in my life. I can't really think of how space and art actually go together but as you look at pictures of space you can see some type of art with the planets the creation of how space was created.
NASA uses angry birds to educate the children about space. I find this idea useful and educational and also fun. This is something I can have my little brother watch and learn about space without him losing interest.
The image above is a monumental event that changed the world. Neil Armstrong, the first human to ever walk on the moon. This is historical because of the exploring of space with humans is more believable and realistic.

This was a interesting article to read about after learning about nanotechnology for the first time. Now it discusses how nanotechnology is apart of the space. It is mainly used to help create the space ships and prevent any accidents in space.

I found this article interesting to read also because it discusses how the gravity of space allows you to float around. It allows you to experience zero gravity as if you are on the moon or in space.

Art in space is just basically what the astrounanut make of it. There is no specific type of art in space. I enjoyed looking at this link because it gave me more knowledge about space and gave me a visual representation of what it looks like.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

NanoTech &Art

After watching this film, i feel like i have learned a lot of things about nano-tech. The use of it is actually amazing. One of my favorite part of the video is the spray on clothing I found that something very useful. It can allow you to open up your creativity in a fashionably matter.
Observations on Bacilus Typhosus in Its Filterable State
The image above is an example of nanoart. I felt like this picture and i have an appropriate connection. I feel that we relate because the image displays the man being surounded by a lot of tools that can help him with his work. I connect with that because me being at UCLA i feel that i am surrounded by a lot people that are here to help me. I can also relate with the glasses, with them being Oakley i do also wear a Oakley visor on the field.

This video was interesting to watch but it gave me a little more understanding about what nanotech is and how we incorporate it in our everyday life. "Nanotechnology is incomprehensible and intangible to most people. But I think that people should know what it is about. This technology creates many new opportunities, but there might be risks as well. People should be aware of that discussion."

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Neuroscience and Art

Today I will discuss Neurosciences and how do we remember memories. I will also discuss what a conscious, and how does it affect a person. Lastly I will discuss why a robot can not have a conscious.

This could symbolize a person wanting to get away from all problems.
This article discusses how the brain use special parts while you are dreaming."We realize that it comes at the back of the brain, the very primitive part of the brain and that certain parts of the brain are shut off when you dream".  This quote explains that while you are dreaming that your dreams are focused mainly on your fears and emotions. I enjoyed reading this article because it is something that you can help preventing bad dreams. picture above is what i considered to be a childhoods sweet dream.
this we also focuses on CONSCIOUS
A sense of ones personal or collective identity including attitude beliefs and sensitivities held by or considered characterizations of and individual or group.
We also discussed if robots can have a conscious. I do not believe a robot can have a conscious because it has no emotions,attitude or beliefs. 
In this article it discusses why robots are not capable of having any emotions. I find it amazing how we are using technology and how much it is updating. Even though robots are not humans but they can keep improving technology to make it as close as a human as possible.
This video is a demonstration on how much technology is improving. 


Thursday, May 5, 2016

BioArt & Art

This week I will be discussing my beliefs and feelings on the experimenting on animals, fast foods and how they food is being processed, and the creation of hybrid animals.
We talked about ways where animal testing is commonly used. this is an example of animals being used as crash test dummies. “To be sure, GM's practices at the time represent a dark chapter in the history of automobile R & D. In September of that year, The New York Times reported that a GM spokesman admitted that about 19,000 dogs, rabbits, pigs, ferrets, rats, and mice had been killed during the previous decade in automobile safety tests."  I do believe that some experiments should require animals. This would be a experiment where we should use animals instead of humans.
There are organization who do not believe animals should not be used for experimental reasons at all.
The organization PETA, is a very known organization that disapproves this discussion. They talk more about how animals are being locked in cages and that it causes them to be lonely and depressed. This is a example of taking away from the animals freedom and turning them into volunteers for humans. It is basically degrading animals.
As a big fan of the Big Mac, I did not like what I’ve seen from the Big Mac. I am actually surprise that the food can have so many chemicals in it to allow it no to change over time. With that being said I do not believe that the chemicals are destroying your body but it is slowing down your metabolism which causes you to gain weight in and feel unhealthy.
Lastly, I am against going against nature and creating hybrid animals because I believe nothing should ever be forced it should just happen on it’s own. As I research more about this topic I’ve came across a website that allows you to create your own hybrid animals and again I still stand as not willing to see hybrid animals in real life becaus

Thursday, April 21, 2016


This week I am discussing how medicine technology and art all connect with each other. Med-Tech is

is just a shorter hand of medical technology. Medical technology is used in hospitals mainly. For example X –rays, are used to look through the skin, ligaments, and muscles. Reason why I considered this medical technology is because I only see X ray machines in the hospital. Medical technology is used for treatment for the body.

As you look at the image above it is a example of Art and Med-Tech. 

"' BODY WORLDS explores the remarkable human body with displays of real human bodies, all donated to science by body donors wishing to educate the community. " I find that this is amazing that they things they use are real human bodies and real organs. But that has me to wonder how they keep organs so fresh and clean. 

Another example of med-tech is science. The way they used medical technology is buy using a microscope. Microscopes are mainly used to look at small items that you can’t see. A way they use microscopes is in laboratories when they are checking new sickness or viruses.

The film X men is a example of med-tech and art. reason for it is because of the mutations that were helped to change a person.\
I found this article interesting to read because i have been through surgery twice and i know how it feels and been through the procedures. I do like how the article just informs us on everything.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


This week we will discuss how we classify robots with art. In the video above demonstrates how much attention Dirk the homeless robot actually attracted a large crowd. Using both art and robots draws a crowd around the homeless robot is a example of Art Performance.

Dennis Hong discusses that he created a robot to immulate how humans walk. he discussed that humans does not necessarly plant their foot into the ground but some what swings our legs as we walk. He created a robot that has 3 legs and and walks by swinging a leg through the other two legs. 

With the society being so vulnerable, the use of electronics are ridiculous.This image demonstrates a boy shaking the hand of a robot as if they became friends. Parents would buy robotic toys to help teach them the fundamentals of school such as Leapfrog.

 Growing up as a kid these were the only robots I've had a idea of. R2-D2 & C3PO would symbolize a healthy relationship and demonstrates how to treat one another. These are examples of robots in films and how they influence the youth since being a part of a well known film.
Star Wars